Member-only story
#Day 11— Elizabeth Gilmore’s Things I Like to Draw
Life isn’t always filled
With rainbows and lollipops
But could it be… Mum?
When my girls are being “kids” and don’t want to do something that needs to be done, my go-to saying to combat their moans and groans is — “Life isn’t all rainbows and lollipops”.
Matilda says to me yesterday — “Why not, Mum?”
Good question kiddo.
You got me!
Why not… well, I know it isn’t BUT even in the seemingly darkest moments of life here on Earth, there is a silver lining to be discovered.
Sometimes it just needs the ingredient of time to make it shine.
I answered — “I don’t know, kiddo. I guess it’s whatever you believe it to be”
She looked at me funny and went off to do what I’d asked her to do.
I’d like to think that in that moment, she was amused to be confused…just like me!
Feel free to join in the fun as you like on Medium (I would love a breadcrumb to your play!), on Instagram with the hashtag #100EGDays or just purely for yourself…
Thanks for reading
Thanks for being you