The A-Z of Me
Library of pieces I have published on Medium
Abundance (Poetry, Tanka, Gaia, Permaculture)
Allergy Angst at Parties and Gatherings (Allergies, Anaphylaxis, Anxiety)
Amy Marley (Poetry)
Annunziata Maria (Poetry, Memoir, Family)
An Appeal to Join Some Dots about Allergies (Allergies, Anaphylaxis, Research)
Art Plants Seeds of Change (Poetry, Travel, Art)
Authentically Amy-ish (Poetry, Self-Awareness)
Baked Goods (Poetry, Tanka, Anaphylaxis, Allergies)
Balance (Poetry, Duality, Senryu)
Bats (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
BB & Tills (Poetry, Family, Gratitude)
The Beach (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Bees (Poetry, Nature, Anaphylaxis, Art)
Biggest Teachers in the Smallest Packages (Poetry, Children, Parenting)
Book I Can’t Forget (Poetry, Senryu, Books)
Buddha or Badass* (Ego, Spiritual Growth)
Build or Expand (Poetry, Energy, Spirituality)
Butterflies (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Campfires (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Camping (Poetry, Senryu, Camping)
Cats (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Cats & That (Poetry, Pets, Drawing, Humour)
Celebrating (Poetry, Alcohol Addiction, Vulnerability)
Child’s Play (Poetry, Play, Self Discovery)
Chocolate (Poetry, Tanka, Rage)
The Chug-a-Chug Chug of the Brain Re-Train (FROM LEMON, poetry, advice)
Circles (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
A Classic Car, a Bottle of Champagne, a Fake ID (Poetry, Cars, Life Lessons)
Clouds (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Colouring Outside Prompted Lines (Poetry, Reflections, Energy)
Comfort (Poetry, Tanka, Oxytocin)
Comics (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Connection (Poetry, Connection)
Could a Call for Research Be Linked to a Cause? (Anaphylaxis, Vaccinations, Research)
Cute Critters (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Daisies (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Dandelions (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Dawning (Poetry, Change)
Dogs (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Dragons (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Dreams (Senryu, Anaphylaxis, Self-Publishing)
Ducks (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Dwellings (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Earthworm (Poetry, Gaia, Community)
Eight-Legged (Poetry, Fishing, Octopus)
Embrace Fear (Poetry, Personal Growth, Spirituality)
Emotional Disgrace (Poetry, Reflection, Energy)
Empathy (Poetry, Personal Growth, Spirituality)
Enlightenment (Lyrics, Personal Growth, Spirituality)
Escape (Poetry, Tanka)
Exhausted (Poetry, Energy, Tanka)
Face of Allergies (Poetry, Allergies, Rants & Raves)
Fairies (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Faith (Poetry, Spiritual Growth, Labels)
The Fate of Glyphosate (Poetry, Rant, Bureaucracy)
Find Your Passion, Make It happen…You Can Dance Right Through Your Life (Life Lessons, Spiritual Growth, Music)
First Cup of the Day (Poetry, Senryu, Coffee)
Flower Pots (Poetry, Tanka, Bees)
Forevability (Poetry, Resources, Life Insights)
Forgiveness (Poetry, Tanka, Energy)
Freedom (Poetry, Energy, Spiritual Growth)
Friends (Poetry, Relationships)
A Frog Called Freddo (Poetry, Travel, Memoir)
Gateway to Change (Poetry, Family, Art)
Glimmers of Guilt (Poetry, Parenting, Life)
Good Luck Charm (Poetry, Smile)
Happiness (Poetry, Acrostic, Happiness)
Healing (Poetry, Tanka, Anaphylaxis)
Health (Poetry, Senryu, Energy)
Hearts (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Hi! This is Me (Philosophy, Introduction)
Hope For a New Day (Poetry, Awareness, Consciousness)
How Control and Fear Clouded My Understanding of Freedom of Choice (Philosophy, Parenting, Personal Growth)
How To Choose When the World Is at Your Feet and You Are Excited About It All? (Advice, From Lemon, Life)
Hug Someone and Give Yourself a Dose of Happy Chemicals
(Self-Help, Habits, Happiness)
Humbling Words From a 3-Year-Old (Poetry, Energy, Humbleness)
I am Enough (Poetry, Tanka, Marisa Peer)
I Asked for Energy (Self Improvement, Spirituality, Growth)
I Look Up (Joy, Sky)
If I Wasn’t a Writer, I’d be…. (Growth, Personal Development)
Imagination (Poetry, Tanka)
Ink Touches Paper (Paper Poetry, Senryu)
Into the Wind (Poetry)
Intoxication (Paper Poetry, Addiction, Relationships)
Islands (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
It’s Alive (Poetry, Baking, Senryu)
Joy of Joys (Poetry, Laughter, Energy)
Judgement (Poetry, Spirituality, Love)
Jump (Poetry, Travel, Memoir)
Kaleidoscope of Me (Poetry, Energy, Spiritual Growth)
Key (Poetry, Spiritual Growth, Self-awareness)
Kids (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Kimberley Calls (Poetry, Travel, Seasons)
Kira Dawn (Poetry, Tribute, Gratitude)
Know No (Poetry, Energy, Spiritual Growth)
Koalas (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Lantern (Poetry, Senryu)
Left (Poetry, Art, Parenting)
Lemon Juice (Kid Logic, Humour, Conversations)
Lens Connection (Poetry, Photos, Joy)
Lessons on Repeat (Poetry, Energy, Kensho, Satori)
Lest We Forget (Poetry, ANZAC)
Letters & Words (Poetry, Perspective, Language)
A Library of Life’s Burning Moments (Personal Development, Challenge)
Life-ing (Poetry, Parenting, Dreams)
Limitations (Poetry, Energy)
Lions (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Listen (Poetry, Meditation)
Looking at Love (Poetry, Love, Relationships)
Lotus Flower (Poetry, Tanka, Spiritual Growth)
Love Bomb (Poetry, Meditation, Energy)
Maggie Magpie (Poetry, Spring, Gaia)
A Man I Knew (Poetry, Travel, Inspiration)
Meeting your Allergens (Self Publishing, Picture Books, Anaphylaxis)
The Moon (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Mountains (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
My First Encounter With Quantum Jumping (Personal Growth, Meditation)
Natural High (Poetry, Energy, Purpose)
Nature — Up Close (Poetry, Horses, Children)
Nature’s Numbers (Poetry, Gaia, Nature)
Nature’s Song (Poetry, Gaia, Spirals)
No One Knows (Music, Dreams, Spirituality)
No Reading For a Week (Poetry, Challenge, Reading)
The Ocean (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Of Mice and Men (Poetry, Memory, Senryu)
Office Job (Poetry)
Old Shit (Humour, Poetry, Wonders of the World)
Once Lost, Now Found (Poetry, Spirituality)
Packaging (Poetry, Gaia, Tanka)
Pain with Purpose (Paper Poetry, Growth, Life Lessons)
Passionfruit Pav (Poetry, Dessert, Charity)
Pieces Prompted by Play (Poetry, Catalogue, Challenge)
Planets (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Polarities and Pink Clouds (Poetry, Energy, Moon)
Potato Cake (Acrostic, Poetry, Parenting)
Powerless to Edit (Poetry, Self-awareness, Emotions)
The Power of a Name (Poetry, Names)
Rabbits (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Rainbows (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Random Things About Me (Poetry, Memoir, Life)
Red Door (Poetry, Senryu)
Red Pandas (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Resilience (Poetry, Consciousness)
Resurrection (Poetry, Gratitude)
Retrospective on a Week Without Words (Poetry, Challenges, Spirituality)
The Screw (Poetry, Anaphylaxis, Parenting)
Sea & Sand (Poetry, Painting, Life)
Seeking Energy (Poetry, Energy, Consciousness)
A Serving of Bush Roasted Chuck (Humour, Challenge)
Shaking Hands with my Anxiety (Mental Health, Depression, Anxiety)
Shadows (Poetry, Energy, Spirituality)
Shooting Stars (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Simple Synchronicities (Poetry, Energy, Anxiety)
Slice (Poetry, Travel, Senryu)
Sloths (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Smiley Faces (Prompted Play, Allergies, Anaphylaxis, Procreate
Snakes (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Snowflakes (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Song Lyrics (Poetry, Music, Senryu)
The Sound of Silence (Poetry, Meditation)
A Spark (Poetry, Energy, Smile)
Spotto the Positive in Life (Gratitude, Personal Growth, Awareness)
Squirrels (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
A Stamp in Time (Poetry, Family, Trucks)
Stars (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Starry Night (Poetry, City Lights, Senryu)
Starfish (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Step Out of the Ordinary (Self-awareness, Courage)
The Sun (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Sunday Night Chills (Poetry, Family, Anaphylaxis)
Sunset (Poetry, Energy, Abecedarian)
Superpowers Unleased (Poetry, Abecedarian)
Survival Tricks (Poetry, Allergies, Anaphylaxis, Spiritual Growth)
Swollen (Poetry, Memoir, Ouchie!)
Symbols (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Taste for Tequila — Gone (Poetry, Addiction, Lifestyle)
Tell me more (Poetry, Memoir, Family)
Ten Facts About Me (Poetry, Growth, Spirituality)
Tents (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
There is No Secret Ingredient (Personal Growth, Philosophy)
Thorny Scar (Poetry, Memoir, Parenting)
Threads of Time (Senryu, Sketch)
‘Tis the Season (Paper Poetry, Holiday Greetings, Art)
Treasure (Poetry, Tanka, Reading)
Trees (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Tripping (Poetry, Psychedelics)
Truth (Movies, Life Lessons, Self-Awareness)
Turtles (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Twenty Years of US (Poetry, Love, Addiction)
Unwind (Poetry, Family, Senryu)
The Voice Beyond (Poetry, Intuition, Energy)
Wake Up! (Poetry, Peace, Gaia)
Water (Senryu, Photography)
Water Droplets (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Wind Chimes (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
Words of Advice — Naughty or Nice (Poetry, Collaboration, Promo)
We are all Human (Poetry, Rant, Equality)
What Happened When I Ate Peanut Butter (Poetry, Anaphylaxis, Allergies)
What Is (Poetry, Anxiety, Presence)
When Your Lists on Medium Disappear (Poetry, Technology, Bugs)
Wilted (Poetry, Tanka, Truth)
Woodland (Poetry, Trees, Senryu)
Zodiac (Prompted Play, Poetry, Procreate)
5 Things I Wish the Doctor Told Me When I Heard My Daughter’s Anaphylaxis Diagnosis (Anaphylaxis, Allergies, Marketing)
12 Lockdown Based Prompted Q&A’s (Poetry, Lockdown, COVID)
80’s (Poetry, Music, Senryu)
858 Days… (Poetry, Memoir, Shedlife)